fredag 28 november 2008

A weekend without AoC?

Currently i can't make up my mind on what to do this weekend! On the one hand, my back hurts like hell, i don't really have alot of money to spend due to alot of bills and spoiled nephiews who want's x-mas gifts, on the other hand i was sitting home last weekend and did absolutley nothing (except for AoC of course). In addition, a friend of mine who happens to be a girl and 21 years old wanted to bring a few girlfriends over for a pre-party.

So either im:

Or i go for:

torsdag 27 november 2008

Not AoC-related

This is not AoC-related, i know, but it's my latest project at work!

Minigames are fun

So i might suck in 1 vs 1, but im pretty good in minigames...

Need practise!

I'm not so good in 1 vs. 1 PvP as i recently thought. Efter a few 1 on 1:s in Keshetta (which im still opposed to!) i got my ass kicked so many times i left. Wierd thing is that i have started losing just recently, a few weeks back i stood my ground really well.

I guess i have to duel even more, and thereby defend myself verbally from standing in the duelgrounds looking at people, drinking tea and being lame.

onsdag 26 november 2008

From Russia with love!

On monday russian guild Celestial burned Nova Krepusko's keep to the ground. The "battle" took place at 9 am in the morning, a time of the day when most of the troops from NK are at work. Celestial brought 18 people where NK could defend with 6. What an epic battle it must have been! Surley something to brag about on the forums, eh?

So am i bitter? Not really. After all, NK burned down an empty SCUM-keep, and it's our own fault that we put up the time 9 am (which in fact was a mistake, our leader which was the one responsible for signing for/against keeps recently quit).

The Celestial keep will burn soon enough.

So who are Celestial really? I got ahold of a clip from Celestials high-school in Kreml:

torsdag 20 november 2008

Protect my balls!

Last night NK and Condamned ventured into Black Ring Citadel again, and again it was Wing 1. Excorant went down in the first try (!) which is a great success for us.

After that it was time for Yarekma. For the people who doesn't know, in the Yarekma fight you have to have four people which are to press a couple of globes at the same time, in order for Yarekma to calm down and do less damage. These globes are also known as balls. Imagine all the penis-related jokes you can derive from this fight:

When Yarekma enrages, he grows big (literally). In order to calm him down you have to rub the balls. You have to be quite experienced to rub these balls, cause it won't work with virgins (that hasn't done the fight before).

If this wasn't enough, between these balls there's a huge, penis-looking statue.

Speaking of balls, watch this:

onsdag 19 november 2008


In my previous MMO's ingame politics hasn't really been an issue that has affected the general gameplay. Perhaps because many of those MMO's didn't have the element of PvP as AoC has, perhaps because those MMO's had a much younger target audience than AoC has.

Anyways, right now there's so much political bullshit on Aquilonia it's really starting to influence the general gaming experience in a bad, yet interesting, way.

The bad way is that you can't kill the people want to without hearing tons of whines about it. On a more interesting note, the current political situation can be used as a tool to lie and decieve, to create illusions and to create confusion. This is quite effective to piss people off beyond belief. Its extra-special fun when you can read about it on the forums the day after, where everyone is arguing their own and their guilds cause.

These stupid forum argument, it's a class of their own really. I read a survey somewhere stating that most of the internet arguments taking place on a forum, especially when it comes to MMO-games, always tend to relate to the second world war and the nazi-regime.

We all know, however, that:

tisdag 18 november 2008

I made my blog official on the official forums ;)

... and got two replies, the first one with the embedded message that it's useless and that no one is interested, the second one where i am called a lost, attention-seeking child! :)

See for yourself here

Well, back to my 3-way split attention-seeking poor-bastard personality ;)

måndag 17 november 2008

To defy an Empire

So i haven't been too active in my blog for the last few days. This is most due to the fact that i have been lazy, not that nothing has happened - cause stuff really has happened ;)

* I have been called a fucking idiot on the official forums
* I have been called a fucking idiot in game
* Nova Krepusko has been prophetized to become the new SCUM
* I have seen this so called Emipre suck horribly at PvP
* I have been the target of the worst gankfest since Larsarus roamed in Conall's valley


Because me and some of my guildmates started an opinion against the so called the dueling grounds of Keshetta. Funny thing really, i was bored to hell and wanted to hear opinions from all guilds about the dueling that goes on in Keshetta, the duels that in my opinion is ruining the little open-world PvP we have left.

An hour or so after i started this debate, i was accused for war-mongering and aggresive behavior towards all guilds and players on the server. And i hadn't even logged into the game. It's amusing how some people (Lektor, Deranja and Nakhorthed in particular) are fast in leaping lightyears into cunclusions...

Anyway, it seemed as my opinions was well heard from alot of other people, as these dueling grounds now are non-existant, to that extent, that if i or any other NK are about in the duel ground, we get killed. Vice-versa goes for a anyone unlucky enough to be at that place, and be a member of this ridiculous Empire.

Wanna read more? Check this out.

I am soon to return with some funny fraps of The Empire sucking at group PvP, stay posted!

tisdag 11 november 2008

SCUM are leaving...

Time for some server-gossip!

Aquilonia's "best" guild are going to take a break. Around 80% of their players (around 100 people?) are said to go on a hiatus until the game becomes better.

At first people were whining about SCUM being assholes, now people are whining about them leaving and thereby killing the server. Some say the server (and it may be applied to any server or MMO) needs some real bad guys for some real drama. Fair enough.

But in a personal opinion; SCUM were never the really bad guys. They were simply just annoying, a pesky bunch irritating you when you were grinding. They were however really good at PvP and probably PvE as well, but they were hardly as bad as they wanted to seem.

Knowing now how some SCUM operates, i doubt they are leaving because this game has become boring, unchallenging and monotone (if they are leaving at all, perhaps it's just another desperate attempt at more e-fame). Perhaps they have gotten into some beta with the whole guild, perhaps the lot of them got rolled-back and lost their PvP-gear.

Anyhow, the server is far from dead with SCUM gone. SCUM never played a major part in the Keshetta PvP, the so called Empire dominated (and still are) with the power of zerg and the fuck-i-suck-ass-in-PvP gamestyle.

Question is, what guild will take SCUM's place as the wannabe bad-boy of the server?

måndag 10 november 2008

Exploiters punished!

Alot happens when you decide to take a few days off!

As you should all be aware we recently took action against those players that took advantage of a flaw in the PvP XP System.

We understand that many of you have questions about how this was done, and of course some of those affected have questions about why they were targeted.

Although we are unable to go into specific detail about the process, what we can say is that we used information gathered from our Database to identify those players that gained what was considered a "substantial" amount of PvP XP during the time frame where such a thing was possible. These cases we then investigated further. We have then taken what we consider to be appropriate action against those players by reducing their PvP Levels to what they were before it was possible to take advantage of this flaw and removing all PvP Gear.

Some of you might feel that you were unfairly targeted; if you are one of them then we simply ask that you write a mail to with the name of the character that was affected and the server name on which it plays so that our Customer Support staff can begin our investigation into the matter. As always, you should receive your response within 24 hours. Should our staff find a flaw in the system we will take appropriate measures to ensure that your character will be restored to the former status."

FuncomOliver 'Tarib' Kunz
Senior Community Manager

So the exploiters have now been dealt with. However rumor tells me that alot of exploiters still slipped through Funcom's targeting program. I will investigate this further, when i log on tomorrow.

torsdag 6 november 2008

What should we do about the Aquilonian exploiters?

Since GM's won't do anything about the exploiters of this server, it's up to the playerbase to take the matter in their own hands.

So what could be done about this? Well, one way is to lock them out of PvP by simply not duelling them, or leave minigames when you face a bunch of exploiters (like plagued rats the travel in packs).

But in order for the playerbase to do anything, it must be made official who these individuals are. Should i post pictures of the exploiters? What would i achieve by doing so? Drama and flamewars? Is it against my morale? Would i be banned from the official forums?

Lots of questions...

EDIT: Just got a word from official forum head mod:

"Hi there

We can not moderate *external* sites so as long as you keep things on your blog it should be ok however just remember not to be respectful to players you name on your blog, if you can, thanks for that.



Remember NOT to be respectful to players you name on your blog... That's funny, even for a typo.

Excorant the Gargoyle Master dead!

As my guild is progressing violently through the game, we have recently started raiding T2 on a more regular basis. It's more challenging than T1 of course, but it's also a whole other dimension of the game, which in my opinion more resembles the Conan lore. Perhaps this is much due to the fact that Black Ring Citadel (T2) is located in Stygia, and most i remember of the books/movies was events evolving around the Stygian snake-sects.

Toth-Amon (which also resides in T2) was James Earl Jones' best role after Darth Vader.

So, the trashmobs wasn't much tougher than the ones in the Kylikki instance, they were however not as kind with the Epic-loot as the Kylikki-trash usually are.

The bossfight was fun and weird. While the boss is being off-tanked, adds spawns in couples (times 3) throughout the fight. These adds (Gargoyles) has to go down fast in order to not end up with too many of them to handle. While the adds are fought Excorant runs around throwing sand at people (it's lame i know) which results in a 15 minutes stun (which is even more lame). You can remedy this stun with a quest-spell you get inside the instance, though.

Took us 3 tries before he fell:

And the loot:

If you can't see it's a demo-belt (grats Pyroset) and Necro gloves (grats ME!!!)

onsdag 5 november 2008

Courtsey to SCUM

Hats off to our servers best PvP-guild SCUM who up to date is the only guild which Nova Krepusko hasn't been able to beat in a minigame. They wiped the floor with us twice yesterday, second time leaving us all with zero kills and tons of deaths. Even though they have a fuck-all playstyle, the lot of them are actually quite nice...

Here's their recruitment video, which is one of the best i've seen yet...

Kylikki... what a joke.

Yesterday Nova Krepusko plowed through the Kylikki instance in one of the fastest Kylikki raids i have parted in, since i started this game.

Trashmobs went down quicker than a C.L.A.N-member in a minigame and no curse in Hyboria could save the Champion.

And then there was Kylikki, who seemingly has suffered a major nerf from Funcom. She is much weaker, her minions doesn't heal for as much and the wolf-adds was surprisingly easy to control. Kylikki was dead after four Spellguard-spawns, which is a record for Nova Krepusko.

A big congrats to our tanks (Stick and Muren i think) who got one guardian chestplate each!

Tonight we set our aim for T2, which hopefully proves to be more of a challenge.

tisdag 4 november 2008

Funcom ruins it again

They have done it before, they just did it again and they will probably keep on doing it.

I'm talking about Age of Conan's creators Funcom who as of late has once again ruined the gaming experience for the lot of the playerbase. As the PvP-exp murderer system was introduced, alot of bugs came with it (as usual with Funcom).

The most fatal bug so far was the one where people could exploit the PvP-exp system by taking turns in killing each other. I got aware of this yesterday, and the result has been a massive increase in PvP-exp for anyone lame enough to use an exploit(which this admittedly is, thanks Wiesel). Now we have tons of people running around in new, fancy PvP-gear, probably bought with gold they got off some goldfarmer site.

So here we have what the devs has acknowledged as an exploit. In today's patch it was eliminated, but the exploiters still remain full of undeserved exp points. There are rumors of a roll-back, but they are rumors and will probably remain rumors.

Something has to be done. If Funcom doesn't do anything, it's up to the playerbase. Burn them all.

Blog is now active

With this blog i intend to cover the every day life of a myself, Kruella, in Age of Conan. I am a Necromancer level 80, playing on Aquilonia. I am a part of the Swedish guild Nova Krepusko, which of course makes me a Swede.

Will start posting more as soon as i have finished the layout for the blog.