tisdag 10 februari 2009

BRC Wing 3 open on Test Live!


Funcom has opened up BRC wing 3 on Test Live, and not a day too early either... This is of course great news for any player interested in the relativly small amount of end-game content AoC has to offer.

However, shouldn't they have fixed Wing 2 before they opened up Wing 3? There are still several bugs in Wing 2 that needs to be fixed, as the dungeon crawl is a major timesink for many guilds due to this bugs (Ahazu-Zagam specificly). And it also seems you need items from the 2 end-bosses in each wing, Sabazios and Chatha. Last i heard Chatha was bugged and pretty hard to kill... But i might be wrong about this.

Anyway, knowing Funcom, we probably wont see Wing 3 on the live servers before the summer...

A thing i ponder about though is; what will the loot be like in Wing 3?

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